- Global Food Crisis? What would I do?
- Carbon Offsets? Effective or No?
- Laughter as the best medicine?
Were I given complete control over all resources and means to correct the disharmonies that are causing hunger in the world this is one thing I might do:
I would take almost all of the monies and resources and people and energy in general that is being directed toward murder/defense/terror/etc. and redirect it towards projects that would restore ecosystems and local food production around the world, especially urban centers in our own country where there are children starving for REAL FOOD and connection with the natural cycles of life. Providing people with the means to produce their own food by buying up land, providing the tools, seeds, education and any other needed support would restore people's sense of power, control, peace, nourishment and satisfaction. This is what happened in Cuba... as seen in the photo;
Just redirect the energy... use conscious, creative joyous energy to channel it rather than fear, hatred, and destructive misunderstanding.
"Carbon Offsets" - "
Carbon offsetting as part of a "carbon neutral" lifestyle has gained some appeal and momentum mainly among consumers in western countries who have become aware and concerned about the potentially negative environmental effects of energy-intensive lifestyles and economies. The Kyoto Protocol has sanctioned offsets as a way for governments and private companies to earn carbon credits which can be traded on a marketplace. The protocol established the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which validates and measures projects to ensure they produce authentic benefits and are genuinely "additional" activities that would not otherwise have been undertaken. Organisations that have difficulty meeting their emissions quota are able to offset by buying CDM-approved Certified Emissions Reductions. The CDM encourages projects that involve, for example, sustainable power generation, changes in land use, and forestry, although not all trading countries allow their companies to buy all types of credit. (Wikipedia)
I honestly see this fabrication as a denial of the immediacy of the situation and an allowance of capitalistic consumerism to continue as usual. Reduce emissions do create a false relationship between a planted tree and the emissions generated by your coal plant or factory's chemical plumes....
I am refraining from intense vulgarities... but this whole idea is ridiculous. Somebody needs to buy some carbon offsets for the steam and natural gas rising from this pile of shit. Carbon offsets are bull.
And so... we laugh, otherwise we would be holding in all the ridiculous distortions of energy we have learned to manifest. LAUGH or become a crippled being... laugh and be healed... be made whole and free and relaxed... let the energy flow through you.
I love laughter and I love the mystery of laughter... David Byrne of the Talking Heads once said, "The Universe has infinite jokes." This, to me, is yet another sign of the Universe's infinitely healing quality; there is an abundance of good and friendly qualities available to those who wish to enjoy them...
Laughter is the physical, psychic, and spiritual enjoyment of/release of any and all energies. If this isn't healing, then I don't know what else could be.
So laugh:
Oh my goodness, I happened to fit in a little biology-bloggin' tonight and had to 'post to a classmate's blog'... and what do I scroll down to? A fabulous Youtube clip that made me giggle and laugh- exactly what i was needing. So screw the appropriate comment and let me just say- thanks for making me laugh! Yea!!
Right on, right on, brother! I'm resonating with all of your comments in this blog entry. The way out of this food fiasco is supporting local, sustainable agriculture and ending the subsidies that make processed, nutrient-depleted foods so cheap and readily available. And I was "high-fiving" you all the way through your cutting assessment of the value (or lack thereof) of carbon offsets.
I would add that I believe there is a role for carbon trading in the global marketplace . The way this works is that each country is allotted a certain amount of CO2 emission. If a country reduces their output, they can sell their credits to another country that has exceeded their output.
One effect this would have is a redistribution of financial resources from the richest to the poorest countries, and that is a good thing. Establishing voluntary limits/caps on emissions worldwide is also a good thing.
Obviously reduction and conservation is what's needed most. But carbon trading on a global scale can help us make that transition.
I don't see a similar role for carbon offsets on an individual scale. Quite the contrary, I think it's incredibly harmful as I stated in my blog post.
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